Regina Spektor, Devendra Banhart and The Libertines celebrate Adam Green

Numerous artists bow to the musician on MOPING IN STYLE: A TRIBUTE TO ADAM GREEN.

Adam Green is definitely one of the most imaginative songwriters of his generation. For two decades he has been entertaining and challenging his audience with silly, serious, playful, highly emotional songs as part of the Moldy Peaches and, of course, above all as a quirky solo musician. Indie music in the 2000s would still have the White Stripes and The Strokes, but it would be a lot poorer without Green.

So it’s high time to appreciate the art of the New York multi-talent (Green paints, films and writes poems on the side). This is what Regina Spektor, Father John Misty, Devendra Banhart, The Libertines, Jenny Lewis, Sean Lennon, Frankie Cosmos, The Lemonheads and many others are doing, singing Green’s solo songs on the new retrospective MOPING IN STYLE: A TRIBUTE TO ADAM GREEN .

The spectrum ranges from GARFIELD from 2002 to his last album THAT FUCKING FEELING. You can also hear here how the great-grandson of Kafka’s (evilly failed) epistolary love Felice Bauer reinvented himself with “Friends of Mine” and naturally united Serge Gainsbourg with Bob Dylan and was inspired by Beck and the Silver Jews and George Gershwin let.

With great ease, Green paints enigmatic, poetic word pictures and sets them to music to create a collage of absurdity that can be just as much rock’n’roll as it is simply quite funny. His colleagues, whom he loved and revered, are now partially giving Green’s songwriting a new coat of paint, taking it apart, putting it back together again or simply intoxicating themselves with his wealth of style.

MOPING IN STYLE: A TRIBUTE TO ADAM GREEN will be released on December 1st, 2023 in the usual formats. On March 30, 2024, Adam Green will play an exclusive Germany concert at the Columbia Theater in Berlin.
