Regering voert omstreden betogingsverbod af | Inland

The raging wilds have a great demonstration against recidivating amokmakers who talk about their behavior. We had an agreement within the minister’s office and the text also created a great light in the chamber’s justice department, the PS-voorzitter Paul Magnette began in November, when the part of the design was not confirmed. The middenveld, vakbonden op kop, protesteerde al maanden tegen het betogingsverbod and kreeg daarbij de explicite steun van the extreme left opposition party PVDA.

The core cabinet was lost during the week over the weekend and there were compromises. The betogingsverbod verdwijnt, maar het voorziene quick wordt wel bijkomend versneld. In the first reading, the light is on large for a procedure of a minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 70 days, that word is now available to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 40 days.
