Regenerative aesthetic medicine for the private parts: treatments

Lregenerative aesthetic medicine also looks “there”, at the private parts. And with anti-aging methods increasingly tested to combat the signs of aging in the so-called “V zone”. Treatments that not only improve the appearance of the skin tissue in these areas, but are also useful tools to increase the self-confidence, with important repercussions also on the perception of one’s body and sexual life. With Stefania de Fazio, president of SICPRE (Italian Society of Reconstructive-Regenerative and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) Let’s find out which are the safest and most effective protocols.

Cara Delevingne, the visual artwork of her vagina goes up for auction.  For LBGTQ rights

Aesthetic medicine (also) targets the V zone

As happens with the skin of the face and body, which tends to lose thickness, elasticity and firmness over time, the tissues of the private parts also age. «Menopause marks the beginning of decline in hormones women, first and foremost gods estrogensfrom which it derives a series of general changes», underlines the surgeon specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Stefania De Fazio.

«The changes that occur in the body go from the body fat distribution to bone density, from cardiac function to muscle tone, and they also have an impact to the quality of the skin. These changes appear to be particularly significant also regarding the appearance of the genitals». It should not be forgotten that the lower amount of estrogen can cause the tissues of the vulva and the external lining of the genitals to become thinner, drier and less elastic or toned.

What happens to your private parts as you age

«In particular, we are witnessing a thinning of tissues of the vagina and vulva, the external part of the female genitals, and to a reduction in tone and lubrication. These changes in many cases make sexual intercourse more difficult and painful”, explains plastic surgeon Stefania D Fazio.

«From an aesthetic point of view, the most significant changes concern the pubis, also called the mons of Venus, and the labia majoraThat they lose firmness and volumeand it also affects the labia minora: the latter, due to the lower activity of the fibroblasts that produce collagen, tend to have irregular contours and less elastic tissues.”

To address these issues, regenerative aesthetic medicine he developed anti-aging methods which act on the external surface of the intimate parts, with the aim of restoring lost elasticity, tone and volumes. The procedures, it should be emphasized, are aesthetic, e.g they are not to be confused with plastic surgery more targeted who face oncological problems, or injuries during childbirth or trauma.

1) Lipofilling to restore volumes

The autologous fat transferi.e. taken from the person and re-implanted, It’s called lipofilling. «It is a consolidated technique among aesthetic medicine practices for private parts which now has wide use in medicine and regenerative surgery, and is used for both aesthetic and reconstructive purposes», explains plastic surgeon Stefania De Fazio.

The treatment begins with a small liposuction. «After an incision of a few millimetres, a suction cannula is inserted into the donor site (for example the abdomen or hips). The fat taken is appropriately processed and purified, in order to improve its vitality”, explains the expert.

«Our fat is rich in adult stem cells and growth factors. Once implanted, these elementsthe they activate an important regenerative process: they stimulate the formation of new blood vessels, resulting in greater blood flow”, explains SICPRE president Stefania De Fazio.

«The fat taken is injected into the tissues at the level of the Venus and labia majora. The purpose is increase its volume and restore its shape. 60-70% of what is transferred becomes permanently part of the tissues, while the remaining part does not survive the treatment, and is therefore metabolised, therefore naturally expelled from the body”.

2) PRP to regain elasticity

Plasma rich in plateletsknown by the acronym PRP is a blood derivative. «It contains a very high concentration of growth factors, which give rise to an evident “youth effect”. It is a procedure also widely used as an anti-aging tool for facial rejuvenation and hair thickening. It is used in the genital region for improve the tone and firmness of the tissues of the intimate parts”, explains the plastic surgeon Stefania De Fazio.

«Treatment with PRP can only be performed in an authorized facility from the relevant transfusion centre”, warns SICPRE president Stefania De Fazio.

«The PRP it has the property of “awakening” the fibroblasts, responsible for elasticity and firmness. These cells, then, thanks to this contribution, return to functioning at the rate of previous decades. The result is not definitive and, for maintenance, the protocol must be repeated.”

3) Fillers to hydrate

It represents the “softer” method compared to the previous ones. «The filler is used to increase the tone, firmness and hydration of the genital tissues. Generally, components based on reabsorbable hyaluronic acid are used, with dosages specifically formulated for this region. The result, however, is temporary and the infiltration must be repeated periodically”, concludes plastic surgeon Stefania De Fazio.

