Refused to perform one of my Life’s songs

The rejection happened in the first season of the song Elämäni.

Singer Diandra Flores reveals To Eva Kela and To Janne Grönroos having refused once to present what was proposed to him The song of my life – song. Its name is not Efter nio – talk show, but Flores explains why he had to say “no”.

– There was one song in French. I would have liked to sound as authentic as possible, but I have never studied French. I also didn’t have time to take pronunciation lessons.

The rejection happened in the first season of the song Elämäni, which was recorded in two weeks in Pasila. Even then, the information about the songs to be performed came with a very short notice.

Diandra Flores says in Efter nio that she gets immense joy from being able to sing for work. Jenni Gästgivar

Now, during live broadcasts, the situation is different.

– Conductor Kalle Torniainen plays with summer’s ear and tells songs. You can tell him if there is someone you absolutely do not want to present.

However, after 2019, Flores has performed everything that has been expected of him. He has not known all the songs before, which is where the salt of the favorite program lies.

– I’ve gotten to know some crazy new songs. It has been sung so far and wide, Flores praises.

My life’s song has changed the artist’s life in other ways as well. Among other things, he has learned to throw himself.

Diandra Flores, herself a violinist, guesses in the program the songs that Janne Grönroos and Eva Kela play on the violin. Eva has a background in string instruments, Janne does not. Over

Efter nio today at Teema & Femi at 21:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
