‘Refuse cast-off from SBS 6!’

Rob Kemps is urgently advised to say no to the ultimate cast-off of SBS 6. Unbeknownst to him, he has been asked to present yet another walking show.

© SBS 6

Really one star after the other refuses the new walking program of SBS 6, says channel star Britt Dekker. She also said no to the presentation and now, according to her, this job has been offered to Rob Kemps. Is he going to say yes to this ultimate cast-off from the channel? Or will he just let it pass?

‘Format is wrong!’

Tina Nijkamp, ​​viewing figures professor and former broadcaster boss of SBS 6, has little faith in the format. It should be a kind of race in which candidates ‘walk hundreds of kilometers along the most beautiful places in the Netherlands’ and have a chance to win a prize of 50,000 euros at the finish. An amount that, knowing Talpa, never goes out anyway.

The television connoisseur writes on her analysis channel: “This is route TV combined with De Dansmarathon and of course – always at Talpa – you can win a sum of money as a candidate. Will this be a ratings hit? No, unfortunately not, I think. This is because the premise of the format is wrong.”

‘Negative does not fit’

There is a mismatch in the format, says Tina. “Walking along the most beautiful places, but then you have to hurry because otherwise you miss out on 50,000 euros… That doesn’t add up. I am also afraid that this has the ‘pathetic’ element of Dance Marathon in it.”

What does she mean? “Well, that people go to great lengths, including being exhausted and having really big blisters, just to win that money. Is that negative still appropriate in this day and age?”

‘Do not do this!’

In addition, TV formats with people walking don’t really score anyway, says Tina. “Except for the Nijmegen Four Days Marches, but that’s because it’s a report on an annual tradition, without any money element. And those numbers are also falling, because as a viewer you are now also familiar with those big blisters.”

What urgent advice does she have in store? “If I were Rob’s manager I would advise him: don’t do this, because if this does indeed fail, your career is over for the time being.”

Last in line

René van der Gijp had to laugh yesterday in Today Inside that Rob was asked as twentieth in line. “Yes, Rob Kemps is going to do a walking program. That’s going to be a long walk with that Rob. haha.”

Colleague Johan Derksen thinks it’s a pity: “You will be in the position that… A few hundred people work at Talpa. They all said: ‘We won’t start on that’, and then they call you, then they say: ‘Rob, would you like to do that program?’ And he does!”
