Refugees to Ukrainian Sunday School: “Grateful that I can learn again”

The number of registrations at Ukrainian Sunday school ‘Dzherelo’ in Amstelveen has been rising for a number of weeks. Today the school moved to a new location, right next to the existing location, to receive refugee children and to be able to teach on Sundays.

Ukrainian Sunday School – NH News

“First we had 60 students, three weeks ago that suddenly became 160,” says director Vitaliy Tonenchuck. Since 2014, lessons have been given every Sunday about the Ukrainian language and culture to guide children with, for example, Ukrainian family. But a few weeks ago, a position was suddenly added: the care of refugee children. “It’s still a bit of chaos, but it’s great that we can help so many more children with this new location.”

Allaying Worries

Today was the first day that the children could go to the new school. Many of them have been in the Netherlands for less than two weeks. A mother who just brought her child to his new class is relieved: “I just looked out the window and saw him laughing out loud with other children.” According to her, it is good to be able to talk to children with peers in their own language. “He also has us as parents, but that is different. That way his worries are taken away for a while.”

“Their smile is the best thing a teacher can achieve with a lesson”

volunteer sunday school

The children vary in age, in small classes they have lessons for three hours a week. A 16-year-old boy gets together with his little brother: “I can talk to my friends from home, but I’m also happy to make new friends here. I like studying, so I’m grateful to be back after a long break. can learn at this school.”

The teachers are volunteers. The new building provides space for approximately eight new classrooms. A teacher has only been teaching for three weeks, he has a clear goal for the teenagers in his class: “They are damaged, but they all ended the lesson with a smile. That is the best you can achieve with a lesson as a teacher. “


The director sees the registrations continue to rise. “We don’t know what’s going to happen in Ukraine,” Tonenchuck said. “If it worst case scenario This location will not be enough for us.” An after-school care facility has already offered their location if necessary. But the biggest pitfall for us is now the number of teachers who can help.”

At the moment Sunday school is the only thing many children have, Tonenchuck hopes that it won’t remain that way for much longer: “It would be ideal if Sunday school was added and the children could participate in normal education as soon as possible.”

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