Refugees from Ter Apel can temporarily go to emergency shelter Breda

Refugees from the Groningen application center Ter Apel will also be temporarily received in Breda from Saturday. This takes place in the emergency shelter for refugees from Ukraine, on Claudius Prinsenlaan.

On behalf of the Central and West Brabant Security Region, the municipality of Breda offers fifty places as emergency shelter for refugees from Ter Apel. Ukrainian refugees are already staying at the emergency location. From Saturday, Syrian, Afghan and Yemeni asylum seekers will also be received here.

Ter Apel is bursting at the seams and the situation there is untenable. After an urgent appeal from the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), the municipalities of Sittard-Geleen and Nijmegen offered accommodation. Breda is now joining them.

Help from Breda
In total, the emergency shelter in Breda can accommodate two hundred people. Fifty places are now available for the refugees from Ter Apel. This number may be doubled to 100.

The municipality of Breda says it does not want to look away from the emergency situation in Ter Apel. “We will have to find the solution in the Netherlands together. By offering this crisis emergency shelter, we give COA the space to find a suitable place to stay for these people.” The municipality also states that it will continue to use the building as a registration center for Ukrainian refugees.

sleeping outside
Due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees, there is no longer enough room in Groningen, not even for temporary beds. Last Wednesday it was even so full that dozens of asylum seekers had to sleep outside. That is why COA sounds the alarm and calls on Dutch municipalities to find places to sleep for asylum seekers.

Recently, the municipalities of Oss and Eindhoven also lent a helping hand. In Eindhoven, one hundred asylum seekers from Ter Apel would be given shelter from 1 May, but they have not yet reported to Kanaaldijk-Zuid.

ALSO READ: Entrepreneurs angry about the arrival of asylum seekers Kanaaldijk: ‘There is no consultation’
