Refugee shelter on ship in Amsterdam: “At first I thought it was a prison boat”

From tomorrow, 350 refugees can be accommodated on ships at the Java Island in Amsterdam. Today, local residents of Java Island were given the opportunity to view one of the two ships from the inside.

The ship offers en-suite rooms, a launderette and a food canteen. Peter Versluis, the owner of the company, will make the ship available for at least six months for the reception of Ukrainian refugees. It is expected that mainly mothers with children will come.

Versluis wanted to give something back to the people of Ukraine with his company. “That is why we have decided to offer our ship to the municipality of Amsterdam.”

He showed the residents around today. The residents who live near the ship hope to be able to do something for the refugees. About fifty local residents were present today. “You should know, I thought it was a prison boat at first,” says one of them. Another: “I think it’s great and I’m proud that it can be done in our city.”

“I think it’s great and I’m proud that it’s possible in our city”

local resident

However, there are doubts about the safety of the small children of the Ukrainian refugees because of the danger of the water among local residents. The head of Java Island is surrounded by water without fences. The owner of the boat also realizes this. “The idea is to make a playground on the lawn, enclosed with fences so they can play safely too.”

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