Refugee center in Tegel gets emergency school

From Hildburg Bruns

Days became weeks, now months. Ukrainian women and children have to wait longer and longer in the Tegel arrival center. The area is therefore to be retrofitted with an emergency school and playgrounds.

“We don’t want the children there to look at a white wall from morning to night,” said Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (50, CDU) after the first meeting of the Senate’s new task force – it is intended to improve the accommodation of refugees.

Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (50, CDU) and Cansel Kiziltepe (47, SPD) after the opening meeting of the refugee task force in the Red Town Hall on Tuesday

Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (50, CDU) and Cansel Kiziltepe (47, SPD) after the opening meeting of the refugee task force in the Red Town Hall on Tuesday Photo: Hildburg Bruns

► The Tegel center in figures: Terminal C (formerly Air Berlin) and eight temporary buildings on the apron are currently still in use. Operation and lease cost 34 million euros per month. There are 4,500 places, 2,800 of which are occupied – everything should be full in August.

“We now have Ukrainians in the lightweight halls who have been living there for seven months,” says Sascha Langenbach (55), spokesman for the responsible state office.

Emergency room at the former Tegel Airport: Berlin's accommodations are overcrowded, the situation is getting worse from day to day

Eight such lightweight tents have already been erected in Tegel Photo: Ralf Gunther

According to estimates, 1,600 children will be housed in Tegel in August. Of the current 722 girls and boys (up to the age of 18), 545 are required to go to school – actually. But there are already too few school places in Berlin. The refugee children should now at least be cared for by educators in such a way that they are fit for lessons in their future places of residence.

► The fact is: Tegel has to remain in operation for refugees longer than planned.

“We have to get away from wishful thinking and do a reality check,” said the governor. The responsible social senator Cansel Kiziltepe (47, SPD): “We will have to extend well beyond 2023.” Because there are no other, better accommodations. At least 3,200 new accommodation places are expected by the end of the year.

In the districts, the Senate is now looking for new places for turbo buildings, so-called modular accommodation (MUF). Wegner emphasized that the choice of location should be transparent. In addition, all districts should have to deliver – Marzahn-Hellersdorf was the pioneer so far.
