Refueling across the German border is more expensive than ever | 1Limburg

The prices of petrol and diesel in Germany have risen to records due to the high oil prices. In the Netherlands, too, fuel prices have climbed to unprecedented heights.

German prices are still lower than in the Netherlands, so it remains advantageous for Dutch motorists to refuel across the border.

1.71 euros
The national price of a liter of E10 petrol (Euro95) in Germany is now an average of 1,712 euros, according to the German motorists’ club ADAC. This surpassed the old record of 1,709 euros from September 2012. The price of a liter of diesel is now an average of 1,640 euros. As in the Netherlands, German fuel prices consist largely of excise duties and VAT.

According to consumer collective UnitedConsumers, the Dutch recommended retail prices at the pump for a liter of Euro95 are now EUR 2,150 and for a liter of diesel EUR 1,840. UnitedConsumers keeps track of the suggested retail prices of five major oil companies that sell petrol and diesel in the Netherlands.

Highest Levels
Oil prices are currently at their highest levels in seven years, due to strong demand and limited supply. Tensions around Ukraine are also pushing up oil prices, due to concerns that Russian oil exports could be hit by an escalation, for example in the event of harsh sanctions.


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