Reform of the financial framework for amateur football: “Now mainly invest in youth”

Reform of the financial framework for amateur football: “Now mainly invest in youth”

Many West Flemish amateur clubs also sometimes pay their players up to hundreds of euros per match won in the black. But that has to stop, says Voetbal Vlaanderen. “The most important thing is that the financial framework makes clubs think about how they want to work in the long term and what they want to invest in to be profitable and sustainable in the future,” says Nand De Klerck of Voetbal Vlaanderen. “For me, that is not with very high player fees for the first team, but that is mainly for investments in youth, in youth support, in infrastructure and in community work.”

Response of Minister Weyts

“The problem has been there for decades,” says Flemish Minister of Sport Weyts, who contributed to the reform. He calls the reform “historic.” “Two years ago I proposed using the corona crisis to bring about change, and I suggested a ceiling. I am therefore very happy today that we were finally able to bring this to a successful conclusion.”

Already in Wenduine

Football club KSK Wenduine will not have to adapt: ​​the amateur club has been working this way for several years. They keep track of all income and expenses digitally. Also the player fee that they deposit into the accounts every week. (continue reading below the photo)

“We work with the resources we have and we try to be as efficient as possible,” says Jonas Vanthuyne. “The fun and group feeling are also paramount for us. That is also the reason that almost all players will remain with us next year.”

Next season

KSK Wenduine is currently doing well. The club is in third place in fourth provincial B. Players feel good, although there are also football players who choose other clubs because they pay more there. Yes, we have already received those answers from players we really liked to see play at Wenduine. But unfortunately we couldn’t join them in the team because their demands were too high and because they were used to different amounts,” says Vanthuyne.

The new rules of Voetbal Vlaanderen will take effect from next football season.
