Reflecting on the Holocaust in January | News item

News item | 16-01-2024 | 9:00 am

January 27 is International Holocaust Memorial Day. That’s why you can learn about the Holocaust throughout the month of January. For example during a lecture, commemoration or museum visit. On the new website www.leerabouttheholocaust there is an overview of the activities. Attention will be drawn to this through a public campaign in the coming weeks.

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Image: NCAB

The Learn about the Holocaust campaign is an initiative of the National Coordinator for Combating Anti-Semitism (NCAB) in collaboration with the Anne Frank Foundation, Central Jewish Consultation, CIDI, Camp Westerbork Remembrance Center, Jewish Cultural Quarter, National Support Center Guest speakers WWII-Present, After the War, National Committee 4 and 5 May and National Monument Camp Vught. In 2025 it will be 80 years since Auschwitz was liberated. With the campaign, participating organizations want to strengthen each other and reach more young people and their teachers and parents.

Research commissioned by the Anne Frank Foundation showed that in 2022, 14% of secondary school teachers were confronted with denial or trivialization of the Holocaust. 42% of them witnessed anti-Semitic incidents in class.

Eddo Verdoner (NCAB): ‘Education about this dark period in history is an important form of prevention against anti-Semitism. That knowledge makes society resilient against anti-Semitism, exclusion and hatred.’

For more information, visit www.leerabouttheholocaust
