Referendum will not come in Drenthe, citizen forum maybe

There seems to be no referendum in Drenthe. Not for now anyway. A citizens’ forum, on the other hand, is one step closer.

The province commissioned a working group to investigate the pros and cons of a referendum, and at the same time a citizen’s forum (also known as a citizen’s panel) was also considered. That investigation has been completed and it is now up to politicians whether they want to do something with it or not.

There is not much enthusiasm for a referendum. SP, PVV and Forum for Democracy call for a follow-up to that research and to come up with a proposal for a referendum. JA21, Party for the Animals and STIP also see something in this, but there is no majority.

The same proposal, but for a citizens’ panel instead of a referendum, does receive a lot of support. Only VVD, CDA, ChristenUnie and Sterk Lokaal see nothing in this. “Inhabitants are independent,” says Sam Pormes (GroenLinks). “If we take our residents seriously, the citizens’ council is the best instrument. They are thoroughly informed and look for solutions.” Such a citizens’ forum should be a representative reflection of the inhabitants of Drenthe.

The province is already working with a ‘Drents Panel’. However, the participants are often asked through a survey. It just continues to exist.

It does not mean that there will be a citizens’ forum right now. Nico Uppelschoten (PVV): “Let’s now further investigate the citizens’ forum. How large, and when we can use it, for example. It does not mean that I am immediately cheering for a citizens’ forum. I also see dangers in it. investigate this further.”
