Reeds 300 million euros toegezegd for left a shame as part of climate change | milieu

Disappearing lands in the region raise seeds from the sea by 300 million euros that have been lost and are a shame as a result of the climate change being covered. This is due from a notice of 11.11.11.

Leaving a shame – loss & damage in the VN climate jargon – relates to other damage that will be caused by the climate change and adaptation that is not longer possible. The most worthwhile land is broken when there is a plan for the Rijke Landen in the deze COP.

On the (modest) toezeggingen from Scotland (2.29 million euros) and Wallonië (1 million euro) last year in the margin of COP26 in Glasgow nam het aantal toezeggingen in the margin of COP27 stelselmatic toe. Zo trok Denemarken in September reeds 10 miljoen kroner (13 miljoen euro) uit. Also Scotland and Wallonia verhoogden other tussen trouwens hun bijdrage.

Belgium stamped at the beginning of COP27 also 2.5 million euros from toegezegde 25 million euros from Mozambique specific for leaving a shame.

Global Shield

The biggest toezegging comes true from Germany, that 170 million people are responsible for the initial ‘Global Shield’, that as a doel position heeft om the kwetsbare landen te verzekeren tegen harm caused by the climatic change. Also other countries, waaronder Canada en Ierland, deden daarvoor toezeggingen. De ngo’s vrezen real dat het initiatief deels zijn doel voorbij zal schieten doordat het om verzekeringen gaat en niet om extra financiële middelen.

There are also other buildings in Nieuw-Zeeland (up to 12 million euros) and in Oostenrijk (50 million euros for the period 2023-2026).

In total it is about 300 million euros. Ngo’s welcome deze initiatives, maar voorlopig gaat het bad om een ​​druppel op een hete plaat. If it is really a pity that you cover it, it is worth mentioning that there will not be dozens of millions of people. So becijferde de V20, the 58 van de most kwetsbare land vertegenwoordigt that the pity the door de klimaatverandering in Haar lidstaten will veroorzaakt are 2000 al 525 million dollars.
