Redrama took a trip to alcohol after 12 years – sharpened up for the Vain läämää program

Rapper Redrama talks openly about his difficult life phase and the peace that came after it.

After 12 years of sobriety, the rap artist Redrama, aka Lasse Mellberg, turned to alcohol again. Fortunately for him, the trip happened earlier in the spring, because he managed to sharpen himself on the set of Vain lääää program.

In addition to the alcohol problem, other things had an effect in the background.

– I sharpened myself again and got those things finished well before the program. There was exhaustion, deadlines were banging and there was a five-week fever, Redrama sums up.

After getting sober in 2010, Redrama thought about changing his field. He thought he would only start as a songwriter, but he started gigging straight from that.

Over the years, he has learned to be strong when it comes to drugs at his gigs. During the filming of the program Only Life, he stayed sober and did not consume alcohol at all in the program. According to him, it was not difficult.

– There is nothing new about sitting at a table where there is alcohol. There at the table he noticed that it wasn’t Tommi Läntinen there is nothing in the glass. No one drinks in that program, he clarifies.

Redrama has seen the headlines written about him and also how the concern of loved ones grew when he got into a bad situation in the spring. Although the loved ones have been worried, they trust the artist, as he also trusts himself.

– They have seen for 12 years how I treat my illness. When I beat myself to the canvas, peace and happiness have come back through it, he describes his current situation.

Redrama reveals that he is happier than in years, even though he went on a trip in between. Jenni Gästgivar

The dream came true

The filming of the program went well for Redrama, although before and after the filming he has suffered from the consequences of his trip.

The artist wanted to participate in the program for years and now his moment came.

– For years I’ve been like, of course I’m leaving. I’ve always thought that if I’m asked, I don’t want to do everything in English. Kind of the same as With Jyrki69he tells.

At the same time, he had to process his identity and minute also in terms of his music, when he performed different songs in Finnish. He usually raps in English and even in Swedish.

With the Ricky-Tick Big Band, he was able to sing in Finnish for the first time with a larger ensemble. Now he sang completely solo.

– I want to believe in what I do musically. It is important that everything I write about is true. It has to feel real. I wonder what Lasse is doing in Finnish.

Now Redrama feels that he has found peace in his life. He describes the “Only Life” program as having changed him as a person.

– The Vain läämää week itself was like therapy and like a journey, he affirms with a smile.

The rapper discovered new aspects of himself during the filming of the show. Jenni Gästgivar
