Redevelopment of Norgervaart delayed due to nitrogen

The approach to the Norgervaart near Huis ter Heide and Bovensmilde is being delayed. Nitrogen is the culprit.

The Norgervaart must be redesigned with a new road surface, adjusted speed on certain sections and safer bicycle crossings. The approach to the provincial road has been discussed for about fourteen years.

At the end of January, the province of Drenthe expressed the hope of being able to start tackling the Norgervaart by the end of this year.

The only thing left to do was to wait for a nitrogen calculation for the approach to the road and the diversion route that would have to be used temporarily. After questions from RTV Drenthe, the province now indicates that it needs more time for this.

“We don’t yet know what that means for planning,” spokesperson Willemijn van Maanen said. “We don’t want to anticipate that yet.” It does not seem likely that the approach will start in 2024.

The province calls it ‘annoying’ that the plans are being delayed, especially because the redevelopment of the Norgervaart has been discussed for a long time. Residents would like to see the speed reduced and have reached a compromise with the province.

After the redesign, large parts of the Norgervaart must have a maximum permitted speed of 60 kilometers per hour, instead of 80. The province did not want this for a long time, because the policy is that 80 may be driven on provincial roads.

In addition to lowering the speed on certain parts, there will also be special asphalt on the Norgerweg. This ‘whispering asphalt’ should reduce noise pollution from passing traffic.
