Reddingsactie 41 bouwvakkers in Indiase tunnel contract door kapotte boormachine | Buitenland

North India is located in a large nood situation, with 41 large buildings in a tunnel in a deserted area. The tunnel stretches over 4.5 kilometers in Uttarakhand and is located on the river. With the uitvallen van the boormachine has been de Reddingspogingen now there is a contract.

On November 12th, the workers will be on the right in the doorway, just 200 meters from the tunnel entrance. On thanks to her haalde boorpogingen blijft redding dead now toe uit. International expert Arnold Dix has confirmed that the machine on the factory is damaged. The quiet terrain of Uttarakhand has an extra level of complexity to aan de reeds uitdagende reddingsoperatie.

Alternative plan

The alternative plan is from the workers via a vertical shaft to evacuate, which means that there is a large installation risk with me in comparison with a horizontal boring. At this moment the word is also being tested on the man and the area via the oorspronkelijke horizontal route. Reddingswerkers must first open the vast amount of water before they can hand-pick the largest few meters to the workstations.

In the tussentijd ontvangen the ingesloten workers voedsel en zuurstof via smalle pijpen. Artsen and psychiatrists zijn ter plaatse aanwezig om de gezondheid en het welzijn van de worbeiders te warborgen. Het merendeel van hen bestaat vermoedelijk uit migrantenarbeiters uit various parts of the land.

The tunnel is located on the Chardham-weg, which connects various Hindu-speaking streets in the Elkaar region. It is a crucial route for pelgrims and tourists.

KIJK. 41 workers in India al sea dan week vast in tunnel

Large boormachine can be used at all times, even if it is “buslengte” and can be used for 41 Indian workers

Workers now have two vast assets in the tunnels in India: “Ongelooflijk moeilijke omstandigheden”
