Red eyeshadow: how to use it and who is fine

S.Celtic from Japanese Geishas to bring out even more the whiteness of the skin as luminous as porcelain, and beloved by celebs like Hailey Bieber, the makeup with red eyeshadow in all its forms, from the softest to the most intense shades, it is always a bold choice.

Makeup with red eyeshadow, how to do it?

“Any shade of red eyeshadow used always guarantees a great impact effect, which does not make the gaze go unnoticed. I recommend it not only for special occasions and red carpet evenings, but also for those who love to amaze and let themselves be watched “, he explains Luigi Rizzellolookmaker of the divas and Creative Director of Infinity Cosmetics.

There good success of make-up that focuses onred eyeshadow depends on the base. «The eyelids and the eye contour must be prepared with a corrector carefully shaded ».

Kristen Stewart’s red eyeshadow (Getty Images)

«This step is essential especially in the case of even very small imperfections because red pigments tend to accentuate any discoloration», Adds the expert.

To ensure a better result, a further step is represented by a few taps of eye contour primer: this product smoothes the skin texture and increases the adhesion of the products applied subsequently.

Red eyeshadow: how to choose the right shade for each skin

Amaranth, cherry, carmine, vermilion, burgundy … The red declinations are innumerable, just as the facets of each shade are infinite, and there is no declination that fits and you perfectly enhance any type of complexion.

“For the success of the trick that focuses onred eyeshadow the tone of this color must be identified taking into account the skin tone.

Primary red (i.e. the purest version of this color and without pigments of other shades) is fine, for example, for medium skin tones.

The shades that tend towards orange and rust enhance very light skin, while those that turn purple they are ideal for darker complexions », specifies the expert.

The right red for every eye color

The choice can also be made in consideration of the eyes colour.

“Although the best option is the one that takes skin color into consideration, in principle for blue eyes i are indicated red to purplewhile for the green and brown eyes the red to orangei primary reds are mainly suited to Brown eyes“.

Red eyeshadow: at least three shades should be used

The variety of existing reds is very wide and the monochromatic effect should be avoided. «I always recommend using three different shades of red for create a make-up capable of giving depth and dimension to the look»Says Luigi Rizzello.

Once the color family they belong to has been identified, they are then chosen three shades of the same red: a dark one to blend on the edge of the eyelid near the roots of the lashes, one medium on the movable lid portion and the other clearer destined to crown the eye.

How to apply red eyeshadow

The application technique must be precise and does not admit inaccuracies. “When using red eyeshadow it is essential to proceed calmly, avoiding the smudges and inaccuracies that would stand out immediately ”, explains Luigi Rizzello. Therefore the three shades apply starting with the most intense one, then the middle one and ends with the more tenuous one.

At this point we move on to finishing.Drawing a line around the edge of the eye with an eyeliner or a brown pencil and then blending it with the darker red eyeshadow shade, you get a smokey eye of great effect.

Alternatively, for a more elegant result, the same delineators are used to blend only the edge of the upper eyelid. If you choose red glitter eyeshadows, the ideal eyeliner and pencil are black ».

