Red Cross quits Humanitarian Service Point Amsterdam | Inland

Amsterdam has been sending refugees from Ukraine who do not have a Ukrainian passport for a few days back to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). They must then return to the central registration center in Ter Apel or disappear from view.

The Red Cross believes that all refugees should receive the same welcome and humane reception, regardless of their passport. “It goes against our basic humanitarian principles to ask refugees for their passports before helping them. We are concerned that many people, fleeing from the same conflict, will be forced onto the streets,” said Suzanne Segaar, district manager of the Red Cross in Amsterdam.

third country nationals

Amsterdam has tightened its policy because there are more and more doubts about the origin of undocumented refugees, who say they come from Ukraine. Other security regions are also concerned about the increase in so-called third-country nationals or safe-country nationals. The mayors of the North and East Gelderland Security Region have already written a letter to the cabinet about this. Refugees from Ukraine are entitled to shelter and assistance and do not have to go through the normal asylum procedure.

The Red Cross is looking at how refugees who find themselves without help can still be supported. Since April, the organization has ensured that refugees at the Humanitarian Service Point came into contact with family or acquaintances and that they were given shelter as much as possible near acquaintances.
