Red Cross opens service point at Venlo station for Ukrainians | 1Limburg

The Red Cross opens a humanitarian service point at Venlo train station to receive refugees from Ukraine who have just arrived in the city.

They are taken from the service point to reception locations in the region.

Information point
People can rest at the NS station after their long journey, says a spokesman for the Red Cross. Ukrainians also get answers to questions they have right after arrival. Red Cross volunteers then escort them to shuttle buses that take the people to a temporary reception location. The space is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Traffic from Germany
The Red Cross has chosen Venlo because it is a station where many trains from Germany arrive. Such service points have already been set up in Amsterdam and Utrecht. They are slightly larger than those in Venlo and people can also be registered there, but not in Venlo.
