Red Cross and Refugee Foundation open giro numbers for Ukraine | War Ukraine

The Red Cross and the Refugee Foundation have opened giro numbers to which Dutch people can transfer money for aid to Ukraine and neighboring countries.

The organizations expect that a lot of aid such as food, water, medical care and psychosocial care will be needed for people who have fled in the near future. You can deposit money into giro 5125 of the Red Cross and giro 999 of the Refugee Foundation.

Giro 999, which was opened earlier today, received 106,000 euros in three hours. The Refugee Foundation expects to spend the money in the first instance on shelter and help for refugees at the border with Poland, which is currently closed.

The Red Cross says it has been repairing important water supplies in eastern Ukraine for a week, which had been damaged by the violence in the area. The organization also reports that it has brought thousands of liters of water to important places in the Donetsk region, such as hospitals.

law of war

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the aid organization is calling on the warring parties to respect international humanitarian law, to protect civilians who do not participate in the conflict and to allow Red Cross aid workers to do their work safely. The Red Cross is making an inventory of its Ukrainian branch and that of neighboring countries to see what more help is needed in the near future.

Poland will initially open nine shelters for refugees from Ukraine. The country announced this today. Beds are already available in the border town of Korczowa, among others.

Beds for refugees are ready in the Polish border town of Korczowa © EPA
