Red beetroot, because it helps sports performance

Some studies have investigated the role of the juice of this vegetable in effectively increasing the performance of athletes. This is why it is useful for athletes

GA – Noritura

Not to be confused with the white one, used to make sugar, the beetroot it is a very versatile vegetable that lends itself to various preparations in the kitchen, both raw and cooked. Its intense red color is due to the presence within it of anthocyanins And flavonoidsantioxidant molecules beneficial for the human body.

Benefits of red beetroot

Precisely because of its content of vitamins and micronutrients, red beetroot has proven to be potentially useful for enriching our organism of these substances in case there is a shortage. So it proved itself effective in the treatment of some influenza conditionsand it is also recommended for anemic subjects as it seems to be able to revitalize red blood cells.

Red beetroot and sports

Its usefulness in sports seems to be related to its content nitrateswhich would have the function of increasing the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood. Nitric oxide, in particular, has mainly vasodilatory functionthat is, it allows the dilation of the walls of the blood vessels: this determines a greater supply of oxygen to the muscles. The result is a reduction in the perception of fatigue during physical exercise, which translates into an improvement in performance, and in the possibility for the athlete to maintain that effort for a longer period of time, as well as in a reduction of recovery times. These effects have been verified especially in the intense efforts of medium or short duration, less in endurance sports.

maximize the effects

To obtain a good increase in sports performance through the integration of nitrates beetroot it is important to ensure that these have entered into circulation and have been metabolized by the organism when physical effort begins. For this reason, it is useless to take the supplement just before the race, as it would have no effect on performance. In particular, it has been shown that the time necessary to metabolize the nitrates present in beetroot is approximately 3 hours: therefore, if we have to participate in a race at 10 in the morning it is advisable to consume our supplement at least during breakfast.

Which supplement to choose

Precisely because of its important function in the sporting field, today they are present in trade different supplements of red beetroot which allow to increase the intake of nitrates for the athlete. To obtain a benefit fromintegration of this vegetable it would in fact be necessary to hire from 350 to 600 mg of inorganic nitrate before the race, which translates into a quantity equal to approximately 200 g of beetroot, corresponding to at least half a liter of juice. This is obviously a rather invasive quantity, so it is easier to rely on ready-made supplements on the market. The easiest supplements to use are those already sold in liquid form and ready for use. These are bottles of concentrated beetroot juice that allow you to take adequate quantities of nitrates in a smaller volume of juice. Alternatively you can also find tablets or dust of beetroot, the latter to be dissolved in water and taken as if it were juice.
