Recount of votes does not lead to a shift of council seats in Loon op Zand

Recounting the votes of the municipal election in Loon op Zand did not yield a different result. The municipality reported this on Monday evening after the VVD and the local party Pro3 had asked the mayor for a recount on Monday morning. Both parties needed only a few votes to secure an extra seat and were eager to win it by recounting.

The VVD was six votes short and Pro3 missed ten votes. But mayor Hanne van Aart had to disappoint both parties on Monday evening. “It appears that a good job has been done.” She emphasizes that a small difference in votes between parties is no reason to count again.

Kindly request
“Pro3 and VVD made no formal objection. They kindly requested that we look at it again,” said the mayor. She then contacted the party leaders.

“They thought it would be better to count again than to allow the slightest chance of uncertainty about any imperfections to persist. I think that says something about the pleasant relationships within the council in Loon op Zand.”

‘Everything remains as it was’
The first count turned out to be almost flawless. “If you count 8986 banknotes again, you always have negligible differences in outcome,” says Van Aart. “You see that here too. The differences are so small that they do not influence the result or the distribution of seats. Everything remains as it was.”

ALSO READ: This is why all 8986 votes in Loon op Zand are recounted
