Recording audio, by Pilar Garcés

I have done the experiment of passing a whole week without hearing a single voice message, with the sole exception of labor. Once received in individual or group chats, I have answered “ok” or the finger up emoticon, without hitting the play key. Absolutely nothing has happened. It is true that one is not the president of the Government, nor the mediator in the talks for the amnesty of the Catalan separatists, but rather an ordinary person, but for that very reason, what is the need to put up with bullshit. It seems that I have not missed any relevant information, the world has not ended, my communications have survived and my social life is still as diminished as usual.

It has been proven that the audios we receive by the dozen are dispensable, an ear pain that we unnecessarily inflict on ourselves. I hate them, it especially bothers me when in a conversation of several only one of the participants uses them. The anxiety of WhatsApp (oh my God, let’s see if it’s going to be important) is unfounded and must end, let everyone know who pushes their neighbor four kilometer sends to ask a question, recordings that include yawns, sneezes and ” Wait a minute, they’re calling me on my landline, mmmmmmm, wait, I’m paying at the supermarket checkout, mmmm, wait, I’ve found Loli, how are you nice, well here I am telling the mothers at school that…” . You leave a meeting, put on your headphones and listen patiently to a five and a half minute audio testament that can be simplified to: “For the hangout, you bring the bread.” Stop teasing the staff. Let’s give our eardrums a break, because if I add up all the files played this year that is ending, I would have enjoyed ‘Don Quixote’ in audiobook. Give me a headline, which we say on these pages, or even a couple of emoticons, because if I want a podcast I will look for one that is professional and has a topic that interests me.

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As much as Some psychologist discusses the virtues of audible notifications compared to authentic conversation (ideas can be developed without interruptions, control is not lost in front of the recipient) or the written message (the voice has the power of persuasion and gives veracity to what is expressed, what is typed can be misinterpreted), the The truth is that they are received lazily. The geniuses at ‘El Mundo Today’ published that the most terrifying costume last Halloween consisted of a screen that read “recording audio.”

Indeed, instant messaging apps have brought voice memo hell into our lives and then artificial intelligence tries to fix the damage. What if a key to pass them at full speed, essential for the slow and those who abuse fillers, what if another one that will arrive soon to transcribe them automatically without having to listen to them. Applying the law of maximum laziness, it was considered an advance to leave an audible message instead of typing a text and now we prefer lyrics as long as we don’t have to write them ourselves because the acoustic ‘spam’ has multiplied and is overwhelming. How sometimes other people’s audios circulate like counterfeit money and other times they have been used as evidence in trials They have invented those that self-destruct after being heard once. An advisable format for those who have decided to innovate this year and send the Christmas greeting as a voice ‘carol’.
