Recordaantal Russians want to decide terugdraaien om Oekraïne within te vallen | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The results of a recent survey over the oorlog in Oekraïne zullen Vladimir Poetin never blij maken. The Russian population has seen the invasion as a forgetting event, and a new record has been recorded.

For the first time, the beginning of the oorlog shows 37 percent of the respondent that the beslissing of Moskou om the Ziehaamde ‘speciale military operation’ in Oekraïne te start, souden terugdraaien as ze terug konden gaan in de tijd. This is based on the assessment of the Russian surveying bureau Russian Field. The results were based on the answers from 1,600 Russian citizens who received telephone calls from 11 to 19 January.

Toen Russian Field diezelfde vraag for the first position in March 2022, which was 28 percent of the respondent voorstander van het terugdraaien van de invasion, according to ‘The Moscow Times’.

Russian soldiers in Donetsk. © Shutterstock / fortton

Het aandeel van degenen die de oorlog niet zouden as ze terug in de tijd konden gaan, vormt real nog steeds de meerderheid. Volgens de bearing gaf 53 percent of the bevraagden aan dat ze niet geloven dat de beslissing om Oekraïne within te vallen en forgetting something, tegenover 57 percent in maart 2022.

The young and young respondents (aged 18 and 45 years old) were in the vanguard of the terugdraaien van de beslissing om de oorlog tegen Oekraïne te begin. Russians and 45 men and women respondent were “significantly inclined” to the military operation of the Kremlin in the streets, aldus de opiniepeiling.

Great afwijzing van invasion

Some of the recent results have come over with other sights, a large afwijzing of the invasion in Oekraïne laten zien. Another inquiry from the Russian Field in December bleek that ongeveer de help van de Russen if he in the new year a one of the two came to the oorlog of Poetin. The Russian president is also in control of the front line.

Militaire parade van soldiers in Moscow.
Militaire parade van soldiers in Moscow. © Photo News

The Russian policy was announced today by two journalists who were oppressed by a betrayal on the Rode Plein of women and soldiers who were fighting in Oekraïne. The woman has iron on the back of the front.

A video journalist from the French news agency AFP, which is also packaged, shows the number of 20 to 25 journalists, or like Buitenlanders, in a cell car which is sent to a commissariat in the hoofdstad reed.

On the following three days, all journalists will be sent to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will also be informed. Bij de Buitenlande journalists were medewerkers van het Amerikaanse persagentschap AP, de Nederlandse omroep NOS en van het German magazine Der Spiegel.

For the arrest of the grandchildren, the two flowers are not on the count of the oncoming soldier, in the Rode Plein. Volgens het onafhankelijke mediakanaal Sota Vision are also enkele betogers opgepakt the protests against the military mobilization for the hoofdkwartier van de verkiezingscampagne van president Vladimir Poetin in Moscow.

Anti-oorlogskandidaat Boris Nadezjdin (60).
Anti-oorlogskandidaat Boris Nadezjdin (60). © Photo News


The results of the most recent survey will be made public on Thursday, before the next Russian president. Anti-oorlogskandidaat Boris Nadezjdin (60) wants poetin tijdens die verkiezingen uitdagen. Hij verzamelden daarvoor al de benodigde handtekeningen.

According to the Russian gravel commission, the light on the large moet of stones is hugely important in its candidacy. “As important people who have never been in life for a long time and have a hand in hand, we have to ask about the established ethical norms,” declared Nikolaj Boelajev, vice-president of the Russian Kiescommissie, earlier today.

KIJK. Russians are in the rij om anti-oorlogskandidaat te steunen

The 60-year-old opposition candidate denied the accusations. “Jullie en ik zijn levendiger dan wie dan ook”, wrote in Telegram in several photos of people who are in the rij stonden om zijn kandiduur te steunen. First of all, on the previous day, he had his right to the right of Zullen Stappen as a candidate for the Kiescommissie. Please report it to the Kiescommissie. On Tuesday, the candidates were officially announced as representatives of the Russian presidents from 15 to 17 March.

He wants to live in Russia. What we are talking about here is a special operation

Boris Nadezjdin

“He wants to live in Russia. What we do here in special operation has to be treated,” said Nadezjdin. “It is possible to have many of the best people in Europe and it is important for many people to come along.”

KIJK. Some of the poet’s wishes are verzameld

This will help the respondent in the direction of the Russian field, which will be published every week, in order to ensure that “the best” issue will be presented to the senior president. Nadezjdin kwam on the two plaats, the majority of the margin was big: only 2.3 percent of the residents were given the opposition’s best defense.

The stembus gang of maart 2024 was intended as a formality for the poet, who is in tune with the power. In theory, the Russian state government will be dead in 2036, the year is 84 words.

PORTRET. “Hij zal rotten away in de gevangenis.” Is Boris Nadezjdin a real poet? (+)

ANALYSIS. Did you protest at the beginning of the poet? “Ook in the Sovjet-Unie started now” (+)
