Recordaantal children do not have to travel migratierroutes in Latijns-America en de Caraïben voor “betere toekomst” | Buitenland

There is a new report from UNICEF migrant records for children from Latvia-America in the Caribbean area. This year there will be more than 60,000 children living in the jungle in the Gap over the mountains.

Hulporganizations trekking aan de alarmbel. Afgelopen tien jaar zijn het aantal children onder migrants in Latijns-America en de Caraïben blijven toenemen. At the moment, children in the region are in the four corners of all migrants, the world population is 13 percent.

According to the new report from Unicef, he has a wide range of talks about the children’s migratory sounds: Armoede en ongelijkheid, maar ook bendegeweld en natuurrampen door de klimaatverstoring hebben hier, seeds with other factors, aandeel in.

There is a risk in a large migration route in the Darién Gap, a remote bandit country in the rainy areas of Colombia and Panama, which is the same route over land in front of the South and Mid-America. It is a residential area, with dense bosses, rivieren, moerassen and gevaarlijke dieren. With the car not in the door, the migrant car is poging and you have to risk it.

The huge amount of food that the forest has to offer in the jungle is huge, and has grown enormously over the past three years. Migrants come from all countries from Afghanistan to China, Eritrea and Haiti and sample via this route from the USA. Het aantal kinderen die hun leven wagen tijdens deze route neemt dus ook toe.

In 2021, Volgens Unicef ​​will support 133,000 children in Darién and at least 29,000 children. In 2022, there will be more than 250,000 people on the route, with 40,000 children there, and 600 children there.

This year there was a record recorded in Darién, with more than 250,000 people in January and August of the oversteek, with 60,000 children there. Hulporganizations benadrukken de serious van deze stijging.

Migrants sit on the border of the grens from Panama and Colombia and are sent to their daughter across the Darien Gap. ©AP

Hachelijke situation

“It is very important for adults and for children,” says the owner of the report, Christopher Tidey, about the “genuine hostel” that the two people can have in the mountain top that can be climbed in the state as “La Montaña de Muerte” – the mountain of dood.

“He is a knee-deep modder… he is heet. He has insects and animals. “Het is superverraderlijk en mensen sterven ofwel door verwondingen of in sommige gevallen door serious uitdroging of verdwaling,” voegt Tidey eraan toe.

“He is also on a dense terrain, if you ever get into problems, you can’t help from the cavalry. “The meals are really suitable for children and are in a good situation.”

“Betere toekomst”

A written reportage from ‘Channel 4 News’ legde de bijna ondenkbare gevaren bloot waaraan migrant children were blootgesteld wanneer ze seeds met hun ouders zich aan de daughter wagen in de hoop nadien een beter leven te suffering.

“Het enige waar ik aank, is dat ik ze een betere toekomst moet geven”, zei een Venezuelan mother terwijl ze door het rainwoud sjokte met twee daughters who ze testerde te overtuigen that ze een spelletje aan het spelen waren.

“I’ll have the opportunity to vacate and then we’ll go on excursions to the river on the river,” he said.

KIJK OOK. Migrant films his own illegal surveillance in England
