record year for forests hit by heat and lack of water

The current one is a record year (in negative) of forests afflicted by the call forest decay. And it is important to say “decay” because the final death of many of these dry trees cannot yet be certified. Since data was collected, so much affected area has never been recorded. These figures, which are still being analyzed, will be included in the new DEBOSCAT report (decline of the forests of Catalonia) which will be published next year.

To date, the fatal year was 2022, but it is already clear that 2023 will have been worse. What do experts mean when they talk about decayed trees? “These are trees in stress situationnot only for the lack of rain but also for the high temperatureswhich cause more need for water,” details Mireia Banquéresearcher at CREAF (Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications).

Is this a problem for the ecosystem? Still it’s too early to be sure. However, these sudden deaths are likely to mean changes to habitats. “It could increase the risk of fire or facilitate the arrival of some pests, with the trees so weakened,” he suggests. Banque.

Different reactions

In the face of drought, plants reach their limit. The Oak treesthe oaks or the cork oaks (the planifolios, with flat leaves) let their leaves dry out and appear decayed. But in autumn they can resprout. Some oaks They have even lost leaves in summer, something very unusual. Instead, the firs and the Pine trees (conifers, with pointed leaves) resist for a long time, waiting for the situation to improve without letting their leaves dry out. Problems arise when water scarcity persists. So some they die suddenly.

He Scots pine It is the species that is experiencing these episodes of mortality in Catalonia. The salt pines, which at first could endure, also begin to be vulnerable to lack of water. So much so that the Generalitat has decided increase aid (up to 5.5 million euros) so that forest owners who need to remove these dead pines from their farms.

According to data from the Department of Climate Action, the current state of the vegetation has never been recorded so extensively. He Moianès, Osona or the south of Bages These are some of the critical territories. In these regions, 80% of the trees show symptoms of drought.

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From the department they defend the importance of cutting trees dead because, if not, they will give security issues for people traveling on the tracks or roads.

Jordi Vayredaan expert forest ecologist, remembers that, for ecological reasonsit is not necessary to remove this dead wood, since it does not pose a problem for the risk of fire, being of large dimensions. Yes, he maintains that they are removed for economic interest (wood) or for security. However, he recommends leaving some of the dead trees, about 10 per hectare, so that they can carry out their ecosystem function.
