RECORD TEMPERATURES | Catalonia will be around 40 degrees tomorrow

The Catalan regions of speaker will be around on sunday 40ºCwhich will make it the hottest day so far this year 2023, according to the predictions of the meteorological service Meteocat. Already this Saturday, the feast of saint johnthe maximum temperature recorded in Catalonia has been recorded in Vinebre (Tarragona), with 37.6ºC.

Thus, Catalonia assumes a weekend on alert for high temperatures due to the entry of a “very warm” air mass from North Africa, as well as from the insolation “characteristic of these dates” and the scant cloudiness, as warned by the Meteorology Statal Agency (aemet) in a statement this Saturday.

He Meteorological Service of Catalonia has specified that this Sunday it can reach 40ºC in the flat of Lleidain the Conca de Tremp and in the interior of the Terres de l’Ebre.

Meteocat has issued a notice of yellow level for intense heat for Sunday in nine counties: Pallars Jussà, Noguera, Segrià, Pla d’Urgell, Urgell, Garrigues, Priorat, Ribera d’Ebre and Terra Alta.

The SMC has pointed out that tomorrow theenvironment will be very hot at noonbut also at dawn, when the temperature will not drop below 20 degrees in many sections close to the coast. It will be another day of tropical nightwhich already add up to a fortnight so far this month.

Monday even hotter

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For him MondayMeteocat has launched a warning for night heat, since the minimum temperature will be slightly higher. The highest values ​​will be found on the coast and in the extreme northeast, where possibly they will not drop below 23 degrees. Given this circumstance, Meteocat has launched a yellow level warning for the Empordà, Pla d’Estany, Gironès and La Selva regions.

On Monday, the maximum temperature will be slightly higher, except on the coast and pre-coastal, where something will rise. The highest values ​​will be around 39 degrees in the Ponent, Conca de Tremp and inland Terres de l’Ebre regions.
