Record number of real estate agents | Focus and WTV

Record number of real estate agents

In 2021 there were 10,950 brokers in our country, according to the annual report of the professional institute BIV. Ten years ago there were still 8,840.

Real estate brokerage is mainly a male profession: women only make up a third of the total population, although their number is increasing. The average age of a real estate agent is 48 years.

Syndic, on the other hand, turns out to be a bottleneck profession: only 453 real estate agents are solely responsible for the management and representation of a co-ownership, such as an apartment building. In addition, there are still 3,033 both mediator and syndic, but not always active. The BIV wants to make the profession more attractive and has therefore launched a survey to map out the pain points.

Real estate brokerage is a protected profession: the BIV must approve the recognition. This happens after the candidate passes a competency test, internship and proficiency test. Real estate agents must also undergo annual training and respect the deontological rules. Disciplinary action will be taken in the event of non-compliance.
