Record aantal migrants trok toar OESO-landen in 2022, also starting in Belgium | Nieuws

In 2022 there will be a number of new permanent immigrants – Oekraïense Vluchtelingen not meegerekend – registered in the country of the Organization for Economic Seed Works and Development (OESO). Het zijn “recordcijfers” aldus het rapport dat de organisatie maandag presenteerde.

For more than one of the three OESO-lid states, in Belgium, it is available in at least four years. “Verschillende landen, zoals Canada en the Verenigd Koninkrijk, braken absolute records”, aldus the report.

Bovenop the cijfers come now from the 4.7 million Oekraïense ontheemden which will be registered in the 38 OESO-lidstates in June 2023.

Stijging in Belgium

Belgium will have 122,300 new permanent immigrants in 2022. According to the statistics from the OESO, there will be a rise of 9 percent in 2021 and 7.3 percent in 2019, despite the corona pandemic in the world economy. Vergeleken with the 37 others at the OESO aangesloten landen is the respectievelijk de 28e and 20e largest toename.

Met meer dan two mijoen nieuwe aanvragen in total hebben de asielaanvragen ook “a recordhoogte ready in 2022″, aldus nog de organisatie. “The style is grotendeels te verklaren door de explosive toename van het aantal aanvragen in the United States.”

Tekort work skills

The global dynamic is linked to the rapport and the work force in the OESO-landen.

Belgium will pay 32,140 projects in 2022. In comparison with the previous year, the amount will be 64 percent, in 2019 it will be 39 percent. Heremee staat ons land respectievelijk op de 17e and 23e plaats voor the highest style within the OESO.

The majority of the Belgian contingent asielzoekers were Afghans, Syrians and Burundi.

The regularization of human rights, with the inclusion of a positive response to international protection and arrival, follows the trend. In Belgium there were 11,005 of the regularizations in 2022, 10,120 in 2021 and 6,770 in 2019.
