Recommerce provider receives Federal Ecodesign Award

The Berlin-based recommerce provider has received the Federal Ecodesign Award in the “Service” category. On December 5th, a total of 14 winners were honored at an award ceremony in the Federal Ministry for the Environment in Berlin in the presence of Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke.

They were determined by a jury consisting of environmental and design experts in a selection process lasting several months from 295 submissions in the categories product, service, concept and young talent. The applications were projects from companies, design, engineering and architecture offices as well as research institutions and universities.

The jury paid particular attention to the innovative content, design quality and environmental properties as well as the impact of a proposal on everyday culture and consumer behavior, taking into account the entire life cycle of a product from the preliminary stages of production through manufacturing, distribution and use to the end of its life life.

Federal Ecodesign Award honors innovative, circular projects

“The award proves the political relevance for the issues of circular economy and sustainable take-back solutions in the fashion industry and shows that makes an important contribution to a more sustainable fashion industry,” comments in a statement.

“ enables fashion companies to seamlessly resell used and unsold products directly through their own website. In this way, they create incentives for brands to participate in resale and promote a culture of appreciation and reuse of clothing,” explains jury member Friederike von Wedel-Parlow, fashion designer and founder of the Beneficial Design Institute.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environment Agency, in cooperation with the International Design Center Berlin, have been awarding the Federal Ecodesign Award for outstanding achievements in ecological design since 2012. It is aimed at companies of all sizes and sectors as well as students and was previously awarded to the provider of reusable mailing bags for retailers, RePack.
