Reckless driving Rai Vloet caused fatal accident, says justice

Professional football player Rai Vloet from Schijndel is suspected of causing a fatal accident on the A4 near Hoofddorp. A 4-year-old boy died here in November last year. According to the Public Prosecution Service, Vloet’s driving behavior was reckless and very careless. He drove at an irresponsibly high speed under the influence of alcohol, the officer said on Thursday at the first session in the case against Vloet.

The professional football player lost his driver’s license as a result. He will not get his driver’s license back for the time being. The court in Alkmaar decided on Thursday ‘in the interest of road safety and with a view to the suspicion’ against Vloet.

The 26-year-old midfielder played football for Heracles Almelo, but he switched to FC Astana in Kazakhstan last month. Heracles decided to suspend him in January after it was revealed that his involvement in the fatal car accident was greater than the footballer had previously claimed.

The hearing in the court in Alkmaar was a so-called pro forma hearing, which was necessary to assess the seizure of the driver’s license. The officer has previously determined that Vloet has lost his driver’s license for a year. This decision had to be reviewed by the court within six months. Vloet’s lawyer said that the defense “understands the confiscation of the driver’s license”.

The criminal case against Vloet will follow later this year. The Noord-Holland court wants to set aside a day for this. A hearing date has not yet been announced. The defense must submit any investigation requests to the examining magistrate within four weeks.


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