Reception in numbers: more than 1,100 Ukrainians stayed in MECC | 1Limburg

Until Tuesday, the MECC in Maastricht was the transition location in South Limburg for the reception of refugees from Ukraine for forty days. How many people have stayed there recently?

According to the South Limburg security region, more than 1,100 refugees were received during that period. If that number is converted to an average occupation, there were thirty refugees per night. That is an occupancy rate of less than ten percent. Obviously some days it was busier than others.

To Geleen
Since Tuesday, Glanerbrook sports hall in Geleen has been the transfer location in South Limburg. The last 35 Ukrainians still in the MECC will be transferred to Geleen by Wednesday at the latest.

More and more difficult
The security region speaks of a successful period in the MECC. “You have to bear in mind that all those people move on to a more permanent place after a few days. And that is quite an achievement,” said a spokesperson. “It is becoming increasingly difficult to find new reception places from crisis shelters. The holiday parks are increasingly full with tourists and new potential locations must first be refurbished and that takes time.”

Flexible athletes
Glanerbrook had been listed as an emergency shelter since mid-March and is now completely taking over the function of the MECC. Many athletes were forced to move to another location to train and that will last at least until July 21. “We are grateful to the sports associations and the athletes for their flexibility,” says mayor Hans Verheijen of Sittard-Geleen. “After the corona period, they now show extra resilience by jointly ensuring that refugees are received and sports can still take place.”
