Rebel Wilson first time mom

R.ebel Wilson has made his biggest dream come true. The 42-year-old actress has become mom for the first time through surrogacy. And her joy is so great that she wanted to share it with followers by presenting her baby girl on Instagram: Royce Lillian.

Rebel Wilson and the desire for motherhood

The star of Pitch Perfect she never hid her desire to become a mother. In 2020, after losing 30 kilos, she explained that at 40 she had decided to freeze the eggs. Objective: to raise the family. And, now it does now steady couple with the entrepreneur Ramona Agruma, theirs is a pink family.

A beautiful miracle

The movie star’s coolest post has the face of a baby. “I am more than proud to announce the birth of my first daughter, Royce Lillian, born last week through surrogacy,” wrote the actress on Instagram, officially presenting the new entry in the family. “I can’t even describe the love I feel for her, it’s a beautiful miracle!” he added. Then thanking the woman who carried her little girl in her womb and «gave birth to her with so much grace and care. Thanks for helping me start a family of my own, it’s a fantastic gift. The best gift !! I’m ready to give little Royce all the love I can get. I’m learning fast… rI inspect all the moms out there! Proud to be in your club“.

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Love with Ramona Agruma

Rebel Wilson mom Ansa

Within a few months, therefore, Rebel Wilson’s life changed completely. Last June he came out on social media introducing his new girlfriend. “I thought I was looking for a prince charming… but maybe what I needed all this time was a Disney princess»He wrote showing himself alongside Ramona Agruma, founder of the clothing brand Lemon Ve Limon. The same one that she is beside her in the most beautiful moment of her life: the arrival of her first daughter.

