reasons, complaint to the Police and possible sanctions

Hidden in the bowels of the modern Bernabéu that Florentino Pérez, the president of Madrid, is building. He had lost the team ancelotti and between valverdethe Uruguayan midfielder, and Baena, the Villarreal player, there were old accounts pending. Accounts settled by a punch that Valverde delivered to Baena in an incident that still contains many dark areas.

Villarreal reveals that Baena “has decided to file the corresponding complaint against the attacker with the National Police”

for now, Baena has filed a complaint against the Uruguayan soccer player after going through a hospital in Castellón where he received a report of injuries with which he appeared at the police station. And he has done it through criminal proceedings, so the case would become the responsibility of the Anti-Violence Commission and not of the Competition Committee, which could have punished the Real Madrid player between four and 12 games.

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Hours later, Villarreal confirmed in a statement, the first after the incident, in which they confirmed that “Álex Baena suffered an assault last night while he was going to the team bus after the match played against Real Madrid CF at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium” .

In addition, the La Plana club has confirmed that “the player has decided to file the corresponding complaint against the attacker with the National Police and once again, Villarreal CF shows its rejection of any act of violence and firmly believes in the version of its player who will support you throughout this process”.

Why did Valverde punch him?

valverde He has not said the reason that moved him to throw a punch at Baena as soon as the game at the Bernabéu finished. The tension between the two footballers came from afar. He was born in the Cup match played on January 19 at the Estadio de La Cerámica with a white win (2-3). So, there was a verbal argument between the two players.

And the Real Madrid player, as revealed by Cadena SER, asked the Villarreal midfielder a question. “Tell me now what you told me about my son in the field & rdquor ; Valverde was referring to the alleged words of Baena in which he alluded to the initial problems of the current pregnancy of his partner, Mino Bonino.

“Do I have to go out and explain when they told me that my pregnancy could not continue?” The Uruguayan’s wife wrote on Twitter. “We kept quiet for almost two months waiting for the results to find out if we could continue or not having already five months of pregnancy.” Mina Bonino did not stop there. “The limit reaches the pain of the other person and I had enough for them to come to question the dates about the health of the son that I am expecting.”

So, according to people close to Valverde, he heard those words from Baena and ended up punching him in the Bernabéu parking lot. They had barely coincided for half an hour on the grass of the white stadium, enough, however, for an old tension between the two to be appreciated.

What does Baena say after the punch?

He was surprised. He did not imagine that reaction from Valverde. He caught him talking on the cell phone. While he debates whether he denounces this assault, Baena chose his social channels (Instagram and Twitter) to show his astonishment at what happened in the white stadium.

“Very happy with the team’s impressive victory in a venue like the Santiago Bernabéu, but at the same time very sad for the aggression I suffered after the game and surprised by what is being said about me,” wrote the Villarreal player. , who then wanted to emphasize his anger at that version that he had gotten into a Valverde family matter.

He even used all caps to further emphasize his message. “IT IS TOTALLY FALSE THAT I SAID THAT,” Baena confessed, hurt that Valverde’s thesis prevailed in the account of what happened at the Bernabéu in moments of maximum tension.

“Fede Valverde, pimp and coward”, he tweeted minutes later Xisco Nadal, delegate of Villarreal. Although he later deleted that message.

What penalty would Valverde face for Baena’s complaint?

The Villarrea player denounces the Real Madrid player’s punch to the Police, according to Onda Cero, so he avoids going to the sports channel of the Competition Committee. He had until tomorrow to do it this way. If he had gone to said Committee he could cost a harsh sanction to valverdewhich would have ranged from 4 to 12 games.

But you have chosen another legal route Baena, who feels supported at all times by his club, although he will not file a complaint as he understands that it is a personal matter. With this measure, the complaint to the Police, Baena will be placed in the hands of the Anti-Violence Commission, so the Uruguayan’s punishment would not be connected to the number of matches but to a period of disqualification or even a possible economic fine.

The Police already raised a report on what happened on Saturday after going to the Bernabéu, in addition to taking a statement from the two players, as well as witnesses to that attack. Besides, Alberola Rojas, the Madrid-Villarreal referee, did not reflect this aggression in the minutes, so he cannot enter ex officio. Nor did he make an annex to it once closed,
