Really: This is how you win a lunch with the king and queen at Huis ten Bosch in The Hague

It is hard to imagine, but King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima invite very ‘ordinary’ Dutch people for lunch at Huis ten Bosch Palace the day before King’s Day. And you can recommend Zoetermeers for this.

Because the king will have been on the throne for ten years in 2023, he is looking for a hundred guests who, in the eyes of others, are a ten to deserve. These people are invited to the palace at our neighbors in The Hague for the 10 Times! A lunch for people who do a lot for others.

Festive lunch

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima are looking forward to receiving a hundred guests who make a difference with their commitment to others and to their environment. People who may consider themselves very ordinary, but of whom you say: they deserve an A!

One hundred Dutch people, who mean a lot to others, therefore have the opportunity to be invited to this special lunch on Wednesday 26 April at the palace of Máxima and Willem-Alexander in The Hague. Who would not want that!? You can register your special person via link below. A notary then chooses six hundred names, after which the motivation of these people is decisive for a place at the table of the Majesties.

Which Zoetermeer deserves this lunch?

Do you immediately think of that one person, that helper in need, that beacon in the neighborhood, that problem solver, pacesetter, reconciler, inspirer or connector? Then nominate that person with a short personal motivation and who knows…

You can register a dear Zoetermeer or someone from another city until Monday 20 February. The persons must be eighteen years or older and live in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Unfortunately, you cannot nominate family members, housemates and yourself.

Who deserves this chance? Register him/her/them here for this royal lunch.

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