Real Madrid, the cantera players facing charges for the shocking video

The four young people had had sex with two girls, one of which was a minor, and had filmed her without authorisation: charges are underway

by our correspondent Filippo M. Ricci

– Madrid

The judge has given authorization to proceed with the preliminary investigations of the case of the Real Madrid canterans accused of having recorded and distributed images of sexual acts performed with two girls without prior consent.


Here, this is the first news: the complaint came from the mother of a 16 year old girl, but with her there was also a friend of hers, an adult. Last June, in a club on the island of Gran Canaria, the two had voluntary sex with 4 boys between 18 and 21 years old from the Madrid team’s youth academy, but they didn’t realize that two of them were recording them, and when they left realized they asked for the videos to be deleted.


The boys promised they would, but then started spreading them via WhatsApp instead. So much so that one of the videos reached a friend of one of the two girls, who alerted her. She spoke to her mother and she immediately filed a complaint.


Last Thursday in Valdebebas several plainclothes Civil Guard officers showed up. They blocked the cantera’s activity, searched for and found the four boys reported in the complaint and took them away. They were arrested and then released pending developments in the case, with their phones confiscated to check who had sent the videos obtained without the girls’ consent to whom.


Today El Mundo reveals that the judge has given a mandate for the preliminary investigations to be completed and the Spanish press is united in saying that then the 4 Canterani, 3 from Real Madrid C and one from Real Madrid Castilla, the second team led by Raul, will then be called to testify as accused. In some media, for example the Catalan newspaper Sportthe names of the 4 boys were given (with the specification of the two who recorded the sexual act), but they have not yet been formally accused.


Spain recently changed its penal code on sexual violence, approving the law known universally as ‘Only yes is yes’. “For anyone who disseminates, reveals or passes on to third parties without authorization any image whose diffusion seriously damages the personal privacy of others” Article 197 provides for a penalty of one to 4 years for recording the video, which increases to a range of 3- 5 years in case of diffusion. For those who redistribute the images received, the sentence varies between one and 3 years.
