Real Madrid | Joselu: “What I have done in recent years is what has brought me here”

07/20/2023 at 00:24


“Ancelotti asks me to be myself and to charge the area, because I am a leading striker”

“I’m at a point in my career where I’m enjoying every minute and every second of this moment”

In the absence of knowing the end of the third chapter of the ‘soap opera Mbappé’, Joselu is the striker called upon to make people forget the 354 goals and 165 assists signed by Karim Benzema in his 14 seasons as a Real Madrid footballer. The striker born in Stuttgart has been presented again, at the age of 33, with the opportunity to succeed in the club that was formed and he faces the preseason with the utmost enthusiasm. This has been expressed in an interview granted to the official channels of Real Madrid.

“I face my return with great joy. I am remembering many things that I lived here. Others are new, like my colleagues, and I am adapting super fast. I am very happy and glad to be here again,” explained a happy Joselu with this new stage: “Life must be enjoyed. I am at a point in my career where I am enjoying every minute and every second of what is happening.. I am living a new experience 12 years later.”

The forward assures that he is a very different footballer from the one who left Real Madrid twelve years ago: “I have matured a lot both personally and professionally. I have a family with children and you see life differently. When I left here I was a child who fulfilled the dream of debuting with Real Madrid. Now I am a different player, with more experience and experiences that have allowed me to return.”

Joselu has reunited with teammates with whom he shared a dressing room during his time in the Real Madrid academy: Dani Carvajal, Nacho and Lucas Vázquez: “Everything is easier with them. We have maintained a great relationship since I left and we have agreed on many moments; they are the ones who are making everything easier for me here. They teach me how this works and it is being very easy. Carvajal is special because he is part of my family and I live with him every day. Before I already had a very good relationship with him. Nacho has always been my captain and I have always conveyed it to him. Outside I have always told him, that he has been my captain at Castilla. Lucas is my favorite Galician. He is a boy with whom I have shared many moments. In the end it unites us the earth and we always hesitate about it & rdquor ;.

The new Madrid reinforcements recalled that he had already toured the United States with the first team: “There are many memories. I remember when I signed for Castilla, that a month later they told me that I had to go on tour with the team and it was something new to me. That will now bring back many memories. It’s an incredible experience, we have very nice matches and Madrid visiting the United States will be very satisfying for the people there. I’m looking forward to it starting”.

Joselu is delighted with Carlo Ancelottti: “He tells me to be myself. What I have done in the last years is what has brought me here. He has asked me to charge the area as he is a leading striker. I’m adjusting a bit to training, to the way the team plays and to my new teammates.”

And happy to succeed in the team that is close to his heart: “For me, Real Madrid is the team of my life. I’ve always been a Real Madrid fan and I was lucky enough to make my First Division debut at the Santiago Bernabéu with this shirt.”
