Real Madrid, Ancelotti: “It’s not over with Chelsea. Milan? They have an advantage, but…”

The Italian coach becomes the coach with the best percentage of victories in the Champions League in the history of Real. Here are his words at the end of the challenge with the Blues

Carlo Ancelotti after overcoming Chelsea becomes the Real Madrid coach with the best percentage of victories in the Champions League and the second in number of successes: 35 out of 47 games.

But the Italian coach, despite his record, warned his team: “The result? We’re satisfied with how it turned out. We controlled well and scored two goals. But it’s not over, there’s still another match and We have to be prepared. We know Chelsea will try to give their all next week.”

praise him

“Valverde? For me he was the man of the match, as was Kroos – continues Ancelotti -. After ten minutes, we changed the positioning a bit and he was fundamental for recovering the ball. Did Milan win? They now have an advantage, like us, but he still has to play a game.”
