Real Capital | News

Marta Oriozabala, how did the company come about?

Real Capital was born after more than 25 years of experience, which allowed me to acquire a 360 view of the Real Estate market.

I started at the age of 16 showing properties, I continued during my university studies in a Legal Firm, in a construction company, also a developer and finally in a marketing company. As a Lawyer I also had to deal many times with issues related to Real Estate, formation of Real Estate Developments, structures, relations with investors, among others. In 2020 the pandemic arrived, which, far from scaring me, awakened something in me that has always marked me: finding opportunity within the crisis. I take it as a challenge because it motivates me and as a game because it amuses me. For me, a huge opportunity opened up, because it was very noticeable that the market had to change the approach to how to work. This is how I decided to create and found a Real Estate company focused on the human, because behind the firmness and hardness of the bricks there is something much softer, people and their dreams.

What are the services you provide to your clients?

Basically we focus the business on the needs of each person. From the opportunistic investor, the one looking for a conservative business, the family that decides to expand and requires relocation, the older woman who stayed in a house all her life and prefers to opt for something small and with less maintenance, the children who inherit and the capital is distributed, etc. We have thousands of stories, but the essential thing is to know each particular case in depth, make an action plan based on strategies and determine which alternatives are the best for the best benefit of the client, accompanying them in every detail and moment of the process.

We have successfully moved hundreds of people through this format because in all cases we function as a support so that they can cope with their emotions and with the greatest professionalism so that, despite the crisis of the moment, each one obtains an economic benefit.

How do you project Real Capital in the future and what prospects do you see in Real Estate in the medium and long term?

Real Capital is a sustainable business model where each of those who are part of it sees the fruit of their effort reflected in results, this is what gives me the certainty that we are going to continue growing beyond the context and circumstances. Because when there are solid foundations and honest values ​​(ethical and moral), there is a guaranteed future.

As for Real Estate in the future, in Argentina, I see it as incredible and full of opportunities. From the outside they are seeing us as fertile land to invest in, more and more people are looking here and that is very good for the market, the business and the country.

What are your differentials in the sector?

I’m going to answer you with our brand spirit, something we read every time we have our team meeting, because it is what guides us and what we believe in:

What is the real capital?

Always and above all, people.

No matter how firm the bricks are,

behind it there is something sensitive.

A story, a dream, a wish.

This is how we understand what we do.

That’s why we do it with passion, dedication and a lot of effort.

Worry and take care of each case,

understanding that no one is equal to another

and that all those who are looking to sell, buy or invest,

What they are really looking for is something much bigger than a real estate transaction.

For us there is no other way to see it.

For us that is the true value.

That is our real capital.

If you were starting over, what would you do differently?

Every day is a new start in this market, in a fluctuating economy and in a country that is constantly moving. Our challenge is to accompany people’s emotions and for that we have to constantly reinvent ourselves. Because as we say and as we think, each case is different from the other, because each one has different expectations and realities. And we work every day so that they can achieve their dreams.

Contact information:

[email protected]




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