Read a free book while waiting for the bus or train | 1Limburg

Limburgers who from now on travel by public transport will no longer be bored. In Arriva buses and trains, travelers can use an app to read books or read magazines.

This is also possible when travelers have to wait at a bus shelter. The transport company announced this on Friday afternoon.

Read with an app
Travelers will be able to download an application called ‘Wait’ from May 1. “The app automatically provides access as soon as a traveler is at one of the more than 3000 Arriva bus stops in Limburg. The app also works in all Arriva buses and trains in Limburg. In the bus, the app asks for the four-digit vehicle number. buses to the right of the driver, at the top,” the company said in a press release.

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In Arriva trains, travelers do not have to enter a number, because then the program recognizes that they are on a train of the transport company. The app is free to install and will work across the province from next month.

Incidentally, nobody has to worry that they have not been able to read a story: the app remembers where you left off so that you can resume the story on your way back.

Also read: Arriva operates the Dutch part of the intercity to Düsseldorf
