Read (22) read letter for the father who died before the time in the court of justice wanted to read: “In my room he reads what he wants to snap” | Inland

Toen Lies in July in the Rechtbank wou vertellen waarom ze vindt dat één van de moordenaars van Haar vader niet vrijgelaten may have been ingeboord ze door de Rechter de grond. “Wat ze zei, deed my adem stokken. I’m standing there trillen on my benen en kreeg geen word meer over my lips”, well done Read daarover previous maand in onze krant.

“Weet je nog papa, July 13, 2001? We were with the hele family on the sea. What a family tradition had become, bleek voor jou afteraf afscheid. I remember me from here again, because I have the last seed in my life,” wrote Lies in a letter “The knuffels were made when I was no longer there, I had a lot of laughter and less kindness, and I was now a very happy daddy’s child. So I’m going to get him back in my first time.”

The young woman has a verder and a description about how the years will be spent in the night. “He is on the other hand, what he wants to do is open to the police and on the men’s side,” he says. This also describes a passage from the file of accusations, which state that the hair of the heel has even been snapped, the door has been opened by the father . “Ik droom heel vaak over this stuk. In my droom lukt het je wel om te ontsnappen. Maar uit a droom word je helaas altijd wakker, and dat besef je dat het niet real is. Maar a nightmerrie daarentegen, daar raak je helaas soms nooit nog uit.”

KIJK OOK. De dienst slachtofferonthaal bestaat 30 jaar: Read done about broodnodige bijstand
