RBB checks advertising off in the main station

From BZ/dpa

The crisis-ridden Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) may have its distinctive, huge neon sign in Berlin Central Station removed ahead of schedule.

At the request of the German Press Agency, the public ARD broadcaster said: “The contractually agreed minimum term runs until the end of 2025. We are currently examining whether an earlier exit is possible.”

According to the broadcaster, the red and white RBB logo with the motto “Don’t get bored” in capital letters has been hanging on the inner roof above the tracks since 2020.

The minimum term is five years, also because of the effort involved in attaching it. At the same time, it should be checked whether a premature change makes economic sense. When asked about the costs of advertising, the following was said: “Due to a confidentiality clause, we cannot give the exact monthly media price. It’s a four-digit sum every month.”

The RBB is also examining a premature change with a view to a new claim development. The image campaign, with which the broadcaster wanted to be more edgy, conspicuous and courageous from 2017, falls into the directorship of the former broadcaster Patricia Schlesinger, who was dismissed without notice last year. The RBB announced: “The RBB will continue to develop the tonality of its communication, in line with the orientation of the RBB, its attitude and its challenges.”

The 61-year-old Schlesinger and the resigned station supervisor Wolf-Dieter Wolf have been accused of nepotism since the summer of 2022. Both rejected them. The Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating, the presumption of innocence applies.

The RBB, which is one of the medium-sized institutions in the ARD community, has recently missed an austerity course. Almost 50 million euros are to be lost by the end of 2024, among other things due to job cuts, and programs will be cancelled.

According to the broadcaster, marketing is also affected. “RBB will also have to save on the financing of its external appearances.” This also applies to communication. “Depending on the strategic direction and prioritization, this can affect events such as self-promotion.” In principle, however, it is still very important to come into direct contact with the audience through events.

Like all public broadcasters, RBB is financed by broadcasting fees paid by citizens and companies. According to the broadcaster contribution service, RBB generated around 436 million euros in income in 2021.
