RB Leipzig | Gulacsi surgery on Sunday

RB Leipzig wants to try to find a replacement after captain and first-choice goalkeeper Peter Gulacsi ruptured his cruciate ligament.

“We have to take responsibility for the fact that we are well and broadly positioned. If something happens to us again, it will be very young. The young guys would then be U17. We have to look around, we look around, that’s important.” , said head coach Marco Rose on Friday.

But he also made it clear: “We won’t rush anything or do hara-kiri. It has to be someone who fits here, who wants to do it, who knows and understands their role.”

Gulacsi will be operated on in Innsbruck on Sunday

At the same time he praised substitute keeper Janis Blaswich for his Champions League game against Celtic Glasgow (3-1). “Janis came in and did a great job and defused two or three actions in Celtic’s best period. He did a great job.” Behind Blaswich, 18-year-old Jonas Nickisch, a very young goalkeeper, “has done very, very well in training so far, has Youth League experience and plays in the youth Bundesliga,” explained Rose .

Gulacsi, on the other hand, will travel to Innsbruck on Saturday and will have knee surgery there on Sunday. “He will then stay in Innsbruck for a few more days and will probably return to Leipzig at the end of the week,” said RB. Gulacsi is expected to be sidelined for several months.

The regular successor to the Hungarian international goalkeeper has already been signed. But the young Belgian Maarten Vandevoordt will only be under contract with the Saxons from 2024. One possibility would be to find an early solution with his current club Genk.
