Razzie withdraws Bruce Willis award after actor’s illness news show

The organization of the Razzie Awards, which, in contrast to the Oscars, awards prizes for the worst film performances of the year, has decided to withdraw a special award that Bruce Willis recently received. It went to the Bruce Willis award for the eight worst films the actor made in the past year.

Willis announced on Wednesday that he is quitting acting because he suffers from aphasia. This is a brain disorder that makes it difficult to remember and pronounce words. “After consultation, the Razzies jury has decided to withdraw the award,” the founders of the anti-award said in a statement. “It is not appropriate to award a prize for poor performance if a medical condition is partly to blame.”

The Razzies are traditionally awarded the night before the Oscars. Dutch director Paul Verhoeven made history in 1995 when he collected all the frames for his film Showgirls. Usually directors and actors refuse to attend the ceremony.

Willis is one of the biggest movie stars of the last decades. He starred in film classics such as Die Hard, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Pulp Fiction and The Sixth Sense.
