Raymond Mens takes a big hit in flop format: ‘Almost 0 viewers!’

Raymond Mens is being deployed as the jack of all trades now that he has signed with Talpa. The result? He is currently making a big impression in the mega-flop GoedNieuws Today. “0 viewers!”

© SBS 6

American expert Raymond Mens has been peddling himself quite a bit over the summer. At one point he was talking everywhere about wanting a €200,000 contract with John de Mol. Talpa has now actually been signed, but for how much money is unclear. One thing is certain: they are putting him to work.

Market value down

Raymond now also has to appear every now and then in the TV monstrosity Good News Today, a news program in which all presenters and experts discuss the news with rose-colored glasses. It’s all so embarrassing. Also for Raymond, who saw his market value rise considerably thanks to his appearances in Today Inside.

Well, that market value has now plummeted again, because it scores poorly, Tina Nijkamp writes again today on her ratings channel. She already called on everyone involved last week to stop – when a low record of only 66 thousand viewers was recorded: horrible.

Eve drama

GoedNieuws Today started broadcasting week two last night. How did it go? Tina: “It is obviously the drama of the evening. Only 71 thousand viewers and only 1.9 percent in the commercial target group 25 to 54 years old. That is really almost 0. Only 13 thousand people in that target group watched.”

How awful. “What makes it especially painful is that the program at midnight, from 12:01 a.m., scores better than at 6:00 p.m. 83 thousand viewers.”


Doesn’t Tina like that SBS 6 is trying something new? “It is always said: at least something is being tried, isn’t that commendable? That is true in itself, but as a broadcaster your job is to know in advance what the viewers are waiting for. And that’s not what this is. Everyone knew that, right?”

She concludes: “This program costs far too many tears and sleepless nights. And that could have been prevented. What a hassle for everyone. And what a waste of money. Away decor, looking for a new job, etc.”
