Raven van Dorst: found out at the gynecologist that I was a hermaphrodite | Stars

“I always thought there was something wrong with me,” Raven says about “all that being hermaphrodite” to presenter Janine Abbring. It wasn’t until his mid-twenties that Raven found out ‘what it really was’ during a visit to the gynecologist, says the 37-year-old.

“I was in pain, because my ex-girlfriend had very long nails at the time,” Raven says with a laugh about why she was at the gynaecologist in the first place. “He then said, ‘I’d like to examine you, because I’ve never had a hermaphrodite in my chair.’ I knew immediately what he meant,” said Raven.

“It’s never really said clearly ‘this is what’s going on with you.’ But at that moment in that chair, the penny dropped,” continues Raven. “That was then roughly held in front of my face.”
