Rationalism | News

According to this school of thought, human beings acquire knowledge through reason. A peculiar fact is that a few weeks ago before writing this article (but after having published my writing last month), German scientists have demonstrated the existence of the sixth sense, which I mentioned as an extension of the senses used in empiricism. Although they still cannot explain why or how this characteristic arose, we are beginning to see that a bridge is being created between the two schools. Therefore, both are part of my training.

My life is marked by two moments greatly influenced by rationalism, encouraging me to carry out research to find the answers to my questions. Thanks to my studies in the Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, I was able to understand and put together deeper theories to apply to myself in practice, whose successful results I ended up sharing with other people interested in improving their quality of life through my Consulting. These points of intrigue led me to delve into:

  • Global economy: Surely you have heard about Chaos Theory, known worldwide as the “butterfly effect,” which consists of the assumption that a minimal modification in our actions in a present situation drastically changes our future. What few know is that this theory is also linked to three (3) since this number or a particular type of multiples of it usually bring unpredictable results, contrary to what mathematics seeks. So most of everything that exists on the planet can be predicted except, with certain specifications, what relates to the triads. It is interesting to note that these mark history (Father/Son/Holy Spirit, heaven/earth/hell, body/soul/spirit, etc.) and the finance (USA/Japan/European Union alliance).
  • Neuronal Medicine: With neuroscience it is possible to use the particularities of each mind for the Personal development and health of their owners.

At the beginning of 2024, do you have clarity about your way of learning and incorporating wisdom into your life or have you not yet expanded your self-knowledge? Contact me if you want to acquire tools that allow you to enhance the information you have or to find the way that best suits your essence and act according to your benefits. I’ll give you my networks:

Contact information

” Social networks:

– Instagram: @asesoriacynthiadelsol

– X (Twitter): @a_cynthiadelsol

– Facebook: @asesoriacynthiadelsol

– YouTube: @asesoriacynthiadelsol

– TikTok: @cynthiadelsol

– Spotify: Cynthia del Sol (artist profile)

– LinkedIn: Cynthia del Sol

》 Telephone (WhatsApp): +54 9 297 4224251

》 Email: [email protected]

》 Website: www.asesoriacynthiadelsol.com


In this note
