Rather a simpler platform with government information | News item

News item | 23-12-2022 | 5:00 PM

Today, Minister Hanke Bruins Slot (Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations) sent her response to the Lower House of Parliament on the report of the Advisory Board on ICT Assessment (AcICT) on the Open Government Information Platform. Through this Platform, part of the Open Government Act, all public government information must eventually become findable and searchable for everyone. The report advises to stop the current development of the Platform and to make a simpler variant. In this way, a usable central platform can be realized sooner. Minister Bruins Slot accepts this advice.

AcICT advises the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to discontinue the development of the platform in its current form and to invest in a simple variant first. This variant should contain a reference index and a search function. In time, the intention is for all administrative bodies – i.e. ministries, municipalities, provinces and water boards, but also implementing organizations such as RVO and Rijkswaterstaat – to link their public information to the platform, so that every resident of the Netherlands can find all government information via that place. This variant is faster to implement, reduces the connection burden for administrative authorities and is cheaper. Although the functional options for users are more limited than what was worked on, if necessary, the simple variant can be further developed at a later stage.

Because the infrastructure impacts the active disclosure of more than a thousand governing bodies, this solution will be discussed with representatives of these governing bodies in early 2023. The intention is to start developing the referral index in the second quarter. The intention is that more and more information from administrative bodies can be found step by step via the platform.
