Rarely have there been so many problems – this is how you navigate out of the crisis

Fear of war, pandemic, price explosion, relationship frustration – everything is stuck. BZ explains how to find the necessary exits.

Rarely have so many problems hit us at the same time.

We were just hoping to finally get the pandemic under control after more than two years, now the Ukraine war is coming, financial worries are getting bigger and many relationships have not been really romantic for a long time anyway. High time for an exit from the emotional chaos. We’ve turned on expert navigation for every issue.

fear of war

Three-point navigation from the emotional spiral

Exit 1: Don’t follow all the news in real-time: The goal should be to be informed and empathetic, but not overloaded with scary news. “In a very practical way, you can escape the constant noise by only dealing with the news from all over the world once a day at a fixed time, instead of constantly scrolling through new horror reports. Such routines organize the chaos and provide structure,” explains life coach and author Damian Richter. Does not help?

Then take exit 2: “If the fear doesn’t let go of you all day, it helps immensely to talk about it with others. This often corrects the perception. We are not as objective as we would like to be. If certain information fits into our worldview, then we believe it more. It’s a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. So positivity has enormous radiance.” Do you find it difficult to stay positive, do you feel paralyzed?

Continue to exit 3: “It often helps against paralyzing fear to tackle things yourself and get involved. This is how you turn something negative and passive into something positive and active. We are most troubled by things that we cannot change.”

price shock

Three point navigation out of the budget hole

Exit 1: Gasoline prices are at their highest. However, public transport and the train have not yet increased the prices – so use the train and train more often than driving your own car. Even better for the environment and your own fitness is of course the bike. Are you dependent on your car? Refuel in the evening! The average fuel prices are regularly lowest between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. and between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. With the free “ADAC Fuel Prices” app, you can integrate the cheapest gas station directly into your route calculation. Is it more the food prices that stress you out?

Then you have to go to exit 2: Now stick to the shopping list more strictly than ever! Impulse or panic buying has never been good for the household account. You don’t need three packs of toilet paper or five bottles of canola oil. Using up supplies (especially food that is about to expire) also saves money. Are you not so afraid of many small expenses, but rather of the large utility bill?

Then exit 3 will help: Often we heat too much. The consumer advice center recommends reducing the heating system at night. At night, most rooms do not need to be heated at all. One degree less room temperature, i.e. 20 instead of 21 degrees Celsius, already means six percent less gas consumption. And: It’s better to ventilate the room than have the window open. Then you really heat the street.

also read

► Shopping is becoming more expensive: Aldi is raising prices

► Study: This is how masks affect physical performance

relationship problems

Three point navigation from couple frustration

Exit 1: We’ve sat on each other a lot in the last two years, a lot. This is especially true for couples with children. “But distance is essential for a healthy relationship,” explains Berlin couples therapist Dr. Wolfgang Krueger. “Everyone has to have their own retreat in their home, pursue their own hobbies, meet their own friends. This is the only way to maintain a positive relationship with your partner.” Are you stuck in quarantine together again?

Test exit 2: Try being as nice to your partner as you are to friends or co-workers for just a few days, and you’ll be amazed at the difference in what are often passive-aggressive relationship dynamics. dr Wolfgang Krüger: “Be polite to your partner, give compliments, encourage them in their plans, praise yourself!” It’s often contagious and comes back twice.” You’re about to break up, so there’s no more room for feigned politeness?

Your last exit 3: “There’s so much pressure on the relationship from outside right now. As an exception, I would advise everyone to sit out conflicts if possible,” says the expert. “When the storm outside has calmed down, we’ll be able to see more clearly inside.”

Pandemic doesn’t stop

Three-point navigation from the Corona loop

Exit 1: The eternal theme just never ends. “Whatever wave we’re in right now, which variant is currently dominant, nobody’s getting through it anymore,” explains the Berlin motivation expert Dr. Christian Weilmeier. But there is a huge difference from the beginning of the pandemic: “Most illnesses are mild, we now know how we can protect ourselves. Just take care of yourself and let go of what we can’t influence.” Doesn’t help?

Then quickly to exit 2: Life coach Damian Richter advises: “A little trick is particularly helpful in an acute situation. For every bad news, remember a good memory. This is a little relaxation exercise that will literally take your mind off of things in the short term.” Still scared?

Exit 3: If nothing else works, press the off button on the remote control or leave the cell phone alone. This leaves more time for real life anyway.
